More recent seasons have had a fair amount of episodes where the kids feel more like tiny adults, so seeing this return to form in The Fractured But Whole was quite refreshing. The kids still feel like kids throughout the adventure, which made me quite happy. I like this simplicity quite a lot, as it’s more reminiscent of the older seasons of South Park where the most childlike adventures (finding a missing cat) transform into these epic quests. Looking at the “franchise plan” Cartman has hung up on his wall is a good laugh for anyone acquainted with the MCU/DCEU, as it highlights the insanity of having movies planned 10+ years in advance.Īs the new kid, Fractured But Whole tasks you with finding a missing cat in order to earn a $100 reward to jumpstart the Coon and Friends franchise. It’s a very on-the-nose parody of the different ways Marvel and DC handle their film divisions, and there are plenty of references and jokes to hammer the point in.

Disagreements on franchise handling arise, leading to a split in the group, with Cartman heading “Coon and Friends”, and Kenny heading the “Freedom Pals”. With Marvel and DC (or at least Marvel) conquering the box office, the kids decide to make their own superhero franchise to get rich off of.

Taking place the day after the previous South Park game, The Stick of Truth, you play as the “new kid”, a silent blank-slate kid made for players to customize and project upon. The Fractured But Whole carries on this tradition by tactfully mocking superhero franchises, racial tensions, and everything in between while still providing players with a genuinely fun tactics-based RPG. From pedophiles to terrorism, no topic is off-limits, which is part of what makes the show so hilarious.

Since its start in the late 90’s, the show has lambasted every sensitive topic in existence. While the story loses focus and is victim to some brutal pacing towards the end, the impressive gameplay and laugh out loud comedy makes Fractured But Whole a very worthwhile experience in today’s more sensitive world.įew shows can get away with as much as South Park.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole is the funniest game you’ll play this year.